Our parent company, A Helping Hand Counseling Center (AHHCC) relocated to Saint Cloud in May of 2018 and has provided over seven thousand hours of free and affordable counseling to the residents of Osceola County without outside funding. In 2020 the need to continue meeting the growing areas’ need for affordable community based counseling led us to develop Helping Hand Community Counseling. The timing of this decision has become even more vital now as we continue to see a significant rise in requests for free counseling as families face extreme financial hardships and difficulty due to COVID-19.

The goal of AHHCC & HHCC is to combine what is typically three different entities within mental health; private practice, Medicaid agencies and non-profit. By doing so we are able to help a family as a whole. Many of the families we work with are blended, multigenerational, dual household, foster/ adopted and many other types which create multiple types of insurance within the family and perhaps even contains a few members who have no insurance. By offering a financial to ALL individuals and families we are truly able to impact the entire family system, instead of just a few.

  • May 2018 – May 2021: 11,000 hours of counseling = $1 MILLION dollars’ worth of FREE services!
  • HHCC is 100% volunteer based, therefore the internal expense for a 1-hour session is only $25.
  • Typical clients have 6 free counseling sessions; establishing 3 treatment plan goals, and attend weekly sessions.
  • Completion rate of 82%!
St. Cloud Free Counseling - Helping Hand Community Counseling

82% Completion Rate

Most of our clients attend all six sessions, meet at least one of their treatment goals and usually transition into our scholarship program for continued progress.

Fully Trained Therapists

Our staff of highly trained therapists are there to help our clients through personal issues, relationship and family problems and more!

Individual Help

We provide our patients with a complete treatment plan including treatment goals. We work directly with clients to help them achieve those goals.

We have provided over 7000 hours of free or low cost counseling!


Get Involved

We partner with several local businesses to help support our community. Grow your business and help others with HHCC!

What We Do

HHCC offers free and low cost mental health services to low income families in our community that otherwise would go without.

Low Cost Help

Clients are given the option to continue services on a scholarship basis of $10 to $25 per session, based on financial ability.